Summer 2022

The summer songs playlist is public on YouTube -turn up your speakers and enjoy. Starting with an oldie but goodie.

You’ve heard the expression, “It’s an honor just to be nominated!” That is certainly true for me. My latest book, MOTHERLOVE was nominated for the 2022 Georgia Author of the Year Award. Winners were announced June 11. I was proud to be among the other distinguished authors. The winner for my category, literary fiction, was Midnight Atlanta by Thomas Mullen.

Updates from GeorgiaJanet

I’m just eight weeks out from losing the one person who was my partner in life, my encourager, my caretaker, my lover, and my best friend of over fifty years. The business of death, and moving on from it, progresses slowly and is overwhelming. So much to do and take care of. Life, with all its ups and downs goes on, even when I want to hide away and ignore it banging on my door.

I’ve spent countless hours on the phone with utility, banking, investment, and insurance companies. I’ve had to hire a yard man and a pool service. I’ve had to pay hundreds of dollars for garage door repair and a new washer/dryer. We’ve filled a dumpster with cast-offs and garage rubbish. We’ve stocked the Salvation Army and Goodwill Stores with men’s clothing and accessories. My new screened-in back porch is finished, decorated, and plants are in place. The pool is sparkling. The master bedroom has been redecorated and I’ve gone back to sleeping in “our” bed, alone. Except, that is, for our little doggie, Jazz, who is still somewhat lost without his daddy. My sons have endured the first father’s day without their dad.

With the awesome help of family and friends, I am making it. Of course in the midst of all this, there are those moments when my heart breaks all over again. The baby birds hatched in the nest on my front porch and are fledging, reminding me that God is in control and life does indeed move on.

I would like to be able to say that I’ve put words on paper for my next writing project, but I am not there yet. In the old days, one would have said “put ink to paper” but for me it means typing words into a document on the desktop computer. My emotions and experiences of the last several weeks definitely qualify as research for this next book.

My work-in-progress has the working title Dear Daughter. In it, daughters question their mothers and mothers answer in a series of letters. When I started this, three of the four main character mothers, based on real life mothers in my family line had lost their husbands well before “old age.” (See the November 2021 blog post Gone People Have Power, Now, having personally experienced the loss of my husband I have an entirely new perspective with which to work. I have more insight into the mothers’ emotions and actions. I can put words into their letters with more authenticity. I have a new appreciation for women trying to make it on their own. This means some re-writing, but hey, it was only the first draft and still in the early stages.

I’m managing and that is all that is important right now. I am still taking things one day at a time and have to remind myself it all doesn’t have to get done today, or even this week. I am trying to be kind to myself and accept with gratitude and grace all the kindness being shown to me by my friends and family. I lean on God, his word, and prayer for comfort and guidance. Indeed, even in the midst of the constant reminders of death I am finding that is a good way to live.

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