June 2024

It’s the middle of June and I never posted for May! I was in Atlanta several days in May for two big events- my oldest granddaughter McKenzie graduated from UGA and youngest granddaughter Bailey had her spring musical theatre presentation. Precious times spent with family. Got to see friends of many years (Glo, Cathy, Chip, Darlene, Suzanne, Merry), eat at some favorite spots (The Varsity, BBQ Kitchen), celebrate Mother’s Day with my family, and see my sister too.  

Summer is definitely here even if it’s not yet the official equinox. Here in beautiful Flagler Beach it’s highs in 90s, ocean temps in the 80s, turtle nests, surfing dogs, thunderstorms with lightning over the sea, and rainbows. All the grandchildren have been to visit. They love riding in the convertible with music blasting, just like me. There’s just something about a convertible and music that makes for good medicine. Here’s the link to my official summer playlist- enjoy!


People, I cannot stress enough how short life is. None of us are promised another year, day, or moment. I preach constantly this is the greatest wisdom I gained from suddenly losing my son in May 2009 and my husband in April 2022. You must make time for the people and activities that are important to you. Life does not come with guarantees, and we must make the most of it.

I do not know how people without faith endure. I have several friends right now with serious health issues. I know having friends and family leave this earth before us is part of getting older and those times are full of sadness. Just one more reason for us to prioritize those we love. The saving Grace, however, is that eternal life is guaranteed if we accept that gift from God through belief in his son Jesus Christ.

Please share your thoughts in a comment below. Enjoy summer. Be safe, be kind, love others. Blessings to all!


  1. Dec 18th 2023 my daughter had a heart attack. I was with her earlier in the day. After she dropped me off at home, she went to her doctor’s appointment. God was watching over her as she had her heart attack in the doctor’s office. If she had been home or any where else she would have died. Cherish every moment with your love ones!

    1. Glynda, not sure why, but I am just now seeing your comment. What a miracle! And scary too. So glad you had just been with her and she was in best possible place when this happened. Thank you for sharing this experience.

  2. Just a reminder that your words are always so uplifting and encouraging. Thanks for taking the time to share your heart and wisdom! Loved being a part of your days in ATL!

  3. Thank you, Janet, for these precious words. If only we could have told those no longer with us just how much we love them one more time.

  4. Happy to hear you enjoyed your Mother’s Day with family and friends.
    We all need to live our best life, we only have one here on this earth!
    Make the most of every day.

  5. Do love keeping up with you thru your blogs. Milan and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary on June 8th. Our sons arranged a champaign dinner at our favorite restaurant. The love we felt from family and friends was overwhelming. Life is so precious and I am constantly reminded how blessed we are.

  6. You may have missed May’s blog, but June’s was worth the late. Enjoyed reading this one so much. Thanks Janet!

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